Art Stone Complex has done its best to offer the most special, high quality, and economical stones in comparison and different quantities to the world market.

Art Stones with various mines of different stones throughout Iran and strong extraction support has been always able to supply stone for large-scale projects and has been able to take internal and external contracts. This group is always trying to offer the best quality in its products.
Art Stones Trading Group with more than 12 years of experience, exporting to different countries, we have provided the conditions in which you will experience a new kind of business .
Art Stones Complex has done its best to offer the most special, high quality, and economical stones in comparison and different quantities to the world market.

Stone Warehouse
Art Stones has four total categories of travertine, marble, crystalline,Granite, and onyx stones, each of which has a polished of stones in different sorts and processes.
Art Stones has warehouses for producing Block and slabs from the collection of said stones.
Art Stones has always tried to share a new approach in stone industry with his colleagues to improve stone industry which one of these approaches is the effort to produce qualified product competitive with global market favorite products and also by means of various instruments he has tried to operate this approach to very high levels.
Art Stones has made every effort to be able to export the orders of its customers to the whole world in the nearest time and in the best possible way.